I am not sure if it is the mass commercialism, the tacky oriental decorations or the nerve wrecking Chinese New Year songs but I think I went a little overboard with my newfound enthusiasm.
My hair stylist has given me red highlights. Purely for Chinese New Year, I admit. So Cina, right? Thank goodness I am returning to my clanhouse for the holidays. I can fit in with the ah lians of Air Itam. I hope I didn't just insult the people of Air Itam.
My highlights are supposed to turn a striking reddish hue within a few weeks. In the sun, I already look like I have lantern tassels as hair extensions. I pray to my ancestors that it will turn into a sexy deeper red but knowing my luck, I may end up like Cindy Lauper or worse, the host of one of those awful RTM 2 Pesta AngPow variety programs.
Si liao la!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Lion dance anyone?
Of Lo Sang and Breast Pumps
The Sofa has been enjoying some quiet time by itself lately as I have had absolutely no time to bestow it any love (or for that matter cookie crumbs, bits of writing paper and specks of salted potato chips).
These past weekends, I have been occupied with what seems like a kazillion things to do, to buy, to procrastinate and to forget. Not to mention backbreaking but fun days out. I think I covered every major mall in the past week. Not to shop mind you, but to eat!
This is really the best part of:
1. having friends
2. being Chinese (quasi anyway)
3. staying in
because all roads lead to food.
The highlight was certainly the reunion of ex-colleagues at the Ming Room at
Say what you want but even in this day and age, it is not conventional being unmarried when one is already in her 30s (yes, I am able to say that now without my mom having to reach for smelling salts).
Almost all my girlfriends are now already with kids, having kids or planning to have kids. I am still having the time of my life being a kid so after discussing breast milk, placenta and body clocks, I am surprised that I have not been reduced to rocking in a foetal position, at the corner of the room.
Being perpetually surrounded by all these pregnant women, its effects on me has been a little mind boggling if not completely wierd. Ashamedly I caught myself checking out strollers and baby carriers of all things! When I am on the street, at Baskin Robins and yes, I was stealing admiring glances as WWK's baby carrier at the reunion. All this when I should be checking out men!
I doubt I am developing nesting instincts. It is important to note that I am not interested in the child, just the accessories. It’s like, so cute, you know. My future kid will get so many gadgets she/he will be the first geek in pre-school, I swear. Then it’s on to world domination.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Taiping mali

The brother and I made a trip home and it was sure nice to be back. Here are some pictures of our familiar haunts. The Taiping wet market, night market, cashier market.
You can still get a piece of kuih for 30 cents here. The bottom right photo is of See San, our famous ice kacang stall. It has been years since I attempted their Black Mountain ice kacang. Black because black gula melaka is the syrup of choice and mountain because its packed into this tall pinnacle that if eaten without skill would result in a wet mess all over the table. I made an ex-boyfriend go through a baptism by ice kacang once. He made it. Too bad the relationship didn't.
Melancholia is a witch's stew of grief, helplessness and despondency. While to cure depression one only needs to take prozac, melancholy can be banished with chocolate, Ben and Jerry's or a friend who is hell bent on making you feel better regardless of the snarls. Hence while it does not induce suicidal tendencies, it still can wreck havoc with ones daily routine.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sesame street dreams
To the point that all I remember is the word celery and I have been calling it "se-lerry" for over 15 years. THIS is the reason why. Three cheers for Captain Vegetable.