Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Xanadu, Atlantis, Bangsa Malaysia. Only in your dreams, baby
So much of DAP and bangsa Malaysia.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The week that was
Oh, he does make my blood boil. I am so close to doing him bodily harm.
But that is not the way of resolving conflicts. I just need to ruin his life. The Chinese emperors got it right. Eliminate the entire clan.
And speaking of hypocrisy, with the run up to polling day, campaigning is reaching fever pitch. I regret not registering for it. How was I to know election was going to be called only 3 years into the full 5 year term?
Caught me off guard actually. Public opinion towards the ruling government is at its low what with the adverse events involving the judiciary, indiscreet politicians, crackdown on bloggers etc etc which all resulted in loud (and physical) calls for change from those fed up with the current status quo. It’s actually quite advantageous for the PKR/
I was about to take two steps back and say that this is not a political blog, but then, as a Malaysian and a non-bumi at that, can I still say that I am apolitical? Can I afford not to be political?
Friday, February 15, 2008
Lunar New Year
Keong Hee Huat Chye

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Then stop.
Then wonder if there is any point in it all.
But then old habits die hard. And hope is one of the oldest and most stubborn habit ever known to man.
Banking on some delayed gratification, we heave a sigh and give again.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
For my cat friends

We're the Mafia cats
Bugsy, Franco and Toni
We're crazy for pizza
With hot pepperoni
We run all the rackets
From gambling to vice
On St valentines day
We massacre mice
We always wear shades
To show that we are meanies
Big hats and sharp suits
And drive Lamborghinis
Bugsy, Franco and Toni
Love sicilian wine
And cheese macaroni
But we have a secret
(And if you tell
You'll end up with the kitten
At the bottom of the well
Or covered in concrete
And thrown into the deep
For this is one secret
You really must keep)
We're the Cosa Nostra
Run the scams and the fiddles
But at home we are Mopsy, Ginger and Tiddles.
(Mafia Cats by Roger McGough)