Quoting Anais Nin, I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.
But speaking of molding my life, there are some things that I keep failing at getting right, such as:
- make laughing a daily affair, even at work, despite or rather in spite of the menopausal characters there that make it a strong contender for Satan's favourite summer home
- stop being a hypochondriac suspecting every sneeze to be an air-borne infectious disease
- stop turning into a Victorian boarding school matron and relax a little. (Drugs anyone?)
- unplug the umbilical cord that is my internet connection and enjoy the sunshine
- have the courage to switch off my phone with full confidence that it will not herald the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse and the world would still revolve as it should
- to respond rather than react. Main advantage being that my voice would not hike up several decibels and vex the dogs.
And lately spirituality has taken a back seat. I have been asked why does God need to be worshiped. But who ever said that worship is for God's benefit. I need a spiritual compass more than God will ever require my feeble adorations. So there is another one for the drawing board - salvation and serenity.
I am tempted to go on a litany on present consciousness but that would be another blog post. I need a swami's robe and a cymbals to go with it.
So here's much work to be done in the coming year. Here's wishing that yours too will be filled with good tidings and good health.