Well as we are on the subject of romance, fast forward Valentine's Day by 10 days, let's talk of love, or the lack of it.
Whether you think the little winged cherub is adorable or just plain evil, requiring it to be shot by anti-aircraft missiles, don't go away yet. A wise person once said that Man loses his mind over life, Woman over love. (Thanks Eugene. Convey my thanks to that wise person, won't ya?)
I would like to get this answered once and for all. Is romance just a feminine concept? Do men ever feel the need for romance? Do men GET the idea in the first place?
Honestly, would you feel touched if your lady spent the night knitting you a His and Hers sweater or would you rather have her pass you a crate of beer and a year subscription to Hustler? Actually, I think I know the answer to that.
Okay, let's start easy, what is romance to you guys? and Do you want it?
Let me hear from you in here or via email.
To my dear Singapore Tengku, being the most sentimental fellow I know, you better come up with something.
1 comment:
I forgotten how eloquent you are. Didn't we use to set Singnet on fire? How did you get banned, let me count the ways..
And are you back to lingerie? I suppose gorrila suits are so passe.
I guess I am not world wise, baby. I have only watched Sex in the City twice in my life. Maybe that explains my ignorance.
I hope you blog.
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