Monday, May 09, 2005

WWF Walkahunt 2005

Despite protests from my lower limbs, I maintain that the WWF Walkahunt 2005 was a great event. It cost only RM20 to enter and it was relatively easy going. Relative being the operative word here. Or is it just that I am getting better? (Doctor help! My head just prematurely swelled!)

As Rapid KL was the sponsor, the treasure hunt took us from the main roads to the train lines covering both PUTRA and STAR. My only complaint was that I didn’t have time to work out the anagrams. The hunt even took us to Chinatown where even a street urchin was dishing out free advice.

With 200 teams on the road, pandas were too common a sight. Participants had to exchange their first list of questions for a second one at Ampang Park then trudge to Maju Junction for part three.

Our 4-member team, solemnly baptised as Panda Panda, pushed on and at a junction had to split up to cover more ground. The division of labour worked well as for the first time in my hunting experience we actually submitted our answers on time with even 5 minutes to spare.

On hindsight I should have brought my clipboards and digital camera. And I should have tried harder to make a photocopy of the questions as sharing it between 4 clueless people reduced it to resemble dog-chewed homework.

Maya Karin gave out the prizes although I don’t know why as she stayed to give out the top three then vamoosed out of there.

In all it was a good experience. Especially because I had a good team that didn’t linger or give up. Made all the difference.

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