Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Book 'em, Officer

Having so much time on my hands, I have not once felt bored. To say that I have been catching up on my reading is an understatement.

Let's see, I have devoured books on dragons, time travel, space travel, death, new life and new civilizations, women in the pursuit of happiness, men in the pursuit of happiness, magic and sweet sour pork. And I still have 4 more books on dragons, death and more men in pursuit of happiness (gay adventures in other words). It is a blessing indeed to have the loves of your live with you and the time to savour each delectable morsel. Time that is running short nevertheless.

I have made MPH and Kinokuniya my publishing holy land and I raided the Pay Less Books and Reader's Corner like a Saracen possessed. I also snap at the boyfriend whenever he raises frivilous suggestions like leaving the flat for food and fresh air.

I am such a nerd. But you know, that is ok. Speaking of which there was this teenager who angrily wrote to The Star newspapers 2 weeks ago to vent about being called a nerd. According to her letter, she studies hard and as a result the kid gets labelled as a nerd in school. She wrote with such fury that you wound think that the name would get her stoned to death.
Me, I embrace my kind. Geeks turn me on. 'Nuff said.


Unknown said...

no shit sherlock. "/

Wendy said...

Hey...did you go to Payless' warehouse sale? Not sure if it's still on. REAL cheap and good books! And a really good reason to get out and get some fresh air...