Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Teoh Beng Hock's Inquest
Evilness in the Air
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
70s children - we are the new old
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Worship to Randomness

For the 21st of September

How neatly a cat sleeps,
sleeps with its paws and its posture,
sleeps with its wicked claws,
and with its unfeeling blood,
sleeps with all the rings
a series of burnt circles
which have formed the odd geology
of its sand-colored tail.
I should like to sleep like a cat,
with all the fur of time,
with a tongue rough as flint,
with the dry sex of fire;
and after speaking to no one,
stretch myself over the world,
over roofs and landscapes,
with a passionate desire
to hunt the rats in my dreams.
I have seen how the cat asleep
would undulate, how the night
flowed through it like dark water;
and at times, it was going to fall
or possibly plunge into
the bare deserted snowdrifts.
Sometimes it grew so much in sleep
like a tiger's great-grandfather,
and would leap in the darkness over
rooftops, clouds and volcanoes.
Sleep, sleep cat of the night,
with episcopal ceremony
and your stone-carved moustache.
Take care of all our dreams;
control the obscurity
of our slumbering prowess
with your relentless heart
and the great ruff of your tail.
Paulo Neruda (translated by Alistair Reid)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Mood, Brood and Rabbit Food

Saturday, September 05, 2009
I almost forgot I have a blog
Monday, August 24, 2009
15 Malaysia

You may already know of this initiative. Wonderful short films depicting what our home is all about.
Go enjoy yourself:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Khalil Jibran and the boy
Though his ways are hard and steep.
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden

Saturday, August 08, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
And we lose another raconteur
The passing of Yasmin Ahmad is a great loss to the nation.
As the creative force of some of Malaysia's most memorable ads and films, her honest portrayal of a multi-faceted Malaysia in its truest form, (sans the shameless gloss of Tourism Malaysia productions) has endeared her to many.
I will always recall her frustrations in trying to sell her ideas of unity and singular humility to corporate fatcats who in her words, “just don’t get it”.
And I have deep reverence for this formidable lady who has come out publically to say that its really ok for the younger generation to forget the hardship of the entire May 13 episode because its it not their legacy. Theirs is the promise of a better future and not the bogeyman of bloodshed past.
She will be very sorely missed. God bless.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Frank McCourt
I first got to know of this man through the valiant efforts of ex-coursemate and dorm mate Adeline, who told me under no uncertain terms, that I must read this funny novel. The book was of course, Angela's Ashes.
Very few writers can successfully weave humour into a heartbreaking biography. It can make you laugh and cry. Both would leave tears in your eyes. The book speaks of the writer's experience growing up in poverty on the streets of Limerick.
I certainly remember how many a resident and relative went to town, defending their town, when the novel and author achieved fame.
Angela's Ashes won McCourt the Pulitzer. Its a book that you will not easily forget.
The literary world has indeed lost another shinning star.
Aduh, Lame-nya
"The cheese you used sedap la. What cheese is that?"
"Orang Melayu panggil tu, Cis Bedebah"
Kah Kah Kah
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New book
Renewal is fascinating.
Little signifies catharsis as aptly as sweeping away the old to make room for the new.
Of turning new leafs. As many as the pages are numerous. White, pristine and acid-free.
Is it possible to go beyond the turning of a leaf to becoming a completely new tree? To blossom and burst with new found life, to tremble in the sunshine and proclaim to the sky that now, I shall be the Oak and not the sapling, the Raintree and not the senduduk.
Fresh starts are good. False starts are not. False starts are when the intentions are ambitious but one only achieves the grandeurs of a pokok renek. So one starts again and another leaf unfurls.
One only hope a branch would finally touch the clouds and lives out an epic.
Wisful thinking .. and rejection hurts!
I will not write on sadness because there is too much of it in the world already. Antidotes are fabled and medical research is negligible. But I will write on anger.
It is a fury that consumes. In the pyre, the lapping flames further illuminate the injustice, the humiliation, the loss and anguish. What magnificent despair! And it fuels the soul to burn and burn and burn. And reprieve is sought among the smouldering cinders. But there is so little ashes can do, but be carried away by the whispers of the wind.
So that is where broken hearts go. They disappear. Eventually.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
If You Forget Me
You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.
- Pablo Neruda
Monday, July 13, 2009
Google Me This

Here is an interesting article on it.
My favourite masthead is the Braille one above. And this comes a close second. In celebration of Nikola Tesla's birthday on Friday.
As much as I would like to attribute my facination to my deep reverence for the history and development of physics, I admit that I was first introduced to the comrade through the Soviet’s badass Tesla coils which are highly effective in frying Allied butts to a crisp in the one of the best time wasters of all time - Command and Conquer.
Who says you don’t learn anything from gaming? Plus it’s a great guy magnet. But ladies, it HAS to be Real Time Strategy with awesome graphics and mindless violence. These days it’s even better if it’s MMORPG. Kick ass and win friends. SIMS does not qualify regardless of the number of time you could WooHoo.
(*Qualifier: I only date geeks. If you are thinking of hooking up with Sean Combs, note that this does not apply. Try implants instead.)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Help! I am held hostage by my rabbits
Yet, you must concur, they are far more soothing on the soul than the state of our national politics.

To be surrounded by so many bunnies, you bet I squealed like a little girl!
The Pets World Malaysia Expo held at Mid Valley Convention Centre was crowded with people and pets. One of the highlights was Malaysia's First National Rabbit Show.
Alongside the rabbit competition, there was a fancy dress contest for Thumper. Wabbit expressions ranged from "Woe, the Indignity!" to the bored "I don't give a fuck anymore" resignation.
Lop eared bunnies featured strongly with a couple of them reminding me of OREO, one of my earlier rabbits. Equal in temperament as well, thumping impatiently in the cages. One of them also tried to eat their contest tag. Yup, sebijik like my Oreo.
Besides bunnies, dog owners also brought their fur kids, from Schnauzers to St. Bernards. I was so fortunate to be acquainted with another Afghan. The breed is so magnificent and regal, it was just a joy looking at her.
Enjoy the slideshow!
Gilly of My Heart
Monday, June 29, 2009
And there goes another chunk of my salary
I rescued her from a stinky pet store (I am still grappling with the implications of supporting a pet store). I first caught sight of her right at the back, behind a glass door and a cageful of siblings, and she was the only one going the other direction.
Introducing - Gilly.
Baby wabbit
first steps

Remember the Time
For me and most of my generation, Michael Jackson, as with Thudercats, KFC and Dr M, is an icon that not only hallmarked but practically defined our growing up years.
We were in the golden age of VCRs and cassette decks when Thriller debuted. I could not get my head around Bille Jean and I thought the chick that played in Thriller was such a wuss (a 7-year-old feminist I was). Maggi Mee hair was in and everyone saw or had a recording of THAT MTV programme which also featured hits like Telephone by Sheena Easton and Every Breath You Take by the Police and not forgetting, the original Uptown Girl by Billy Joel.
Every MJ album and movie was awaited and revered. He was the only one who could get away with grabbing his crotch on TV. To the young, we never understood why the adults sniggered so.
The Gloved One encapsulated all that was strange and wonderful and magical. He was true royalty with stardust on his lapels.
And as his eccentricities and lawsuits drove him further away from reality and relevance, time quietly swept him under the carpet. We all knew who MJ was but, lets be honest, we also ceased to care.
Did he molest the children? I don't know but with America's preoccupation with Sex and the Celebrity (truth optional), I can't really say that I am totally convinced.
So in typical fashion - with his death, we celebrate his life.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I didn't have a big enough handbag
Only food and furry animals can entice me to wake up before 8 on a Saturday, so we were there slightly after 9 am. The trip should have just taken us half an hour but Garmin was having a bad day. (bloody thing kept going “turn left in 200 meters” AFTER we missed the turning). Evil, evil thing.
Run by an owner who is based in Ampang, the farm is located in the midst of a kampung. Hey, its Semenyih.
When we arrived, the workers were busy cleaning the cages. They were friendly enough and allowed us to walk around freely. The surrounding enclosure was certainly clean but the compound was strewn with rubbish.
I wasn’t quite sure what I was expecting.
Of course the bunnies looked well cared for and their cages clean yet I felt a little sad seeing them cooped up in their wire mesh boxes, living to breed, only for their offspring to be taken away and sold. We are the only species capable of doing this. Yet herein lies my conundrum. Do I save what I can by giving them good homes or do I stop buying in a bid to lessen the demand? Sigh. No use asking me to adopt as there are no wild rabbits for adoption in this country.
One thing we noticed was that the bunnies at the farm were all a little afraid. Curious as all bunnies are, all of them eyed us as though we came courting for a bride. But as we reached out to them, quicker than you say can Peter Rabbit, they would dart as far away as possible from us. Perhaps we smelt strange or we were complete strangers, it was a very different reception compared to my first encounter with my present rabbit.
My present bunny came over to say hello to me first before I even thought I needed another bunny, which is to say, pretty sweet of her.
I got Peanut from another breeder at Subang Parade. From across her cage, she crawled over to nibble my fingers which started the chemical reaction of turning my heart muscles into tofu and now she is growing fat lounging in my dining room - at my expense.
Anyway, here’s some photos of bunnies to turn your heart into soy products too.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Pasti Ada Sudahnya - charting the future
The latest
Make no mistake,
Of course we all know this.
I am sure that I am not the only one, who in support for the Opposition, derived more than a little comfort supporting a coalition that had
Be it a belief in checks and balances, or foolhardy optimism, we rejoiced in that there was a viable alternative to an Umno-led government.
But back to the annual AGMs and Muktamars –we have the same rhetorical regurgitation that endears the politicians to their grassroots. I guess when in
So does it make a difference to us, the new generation of non-muslims and non-traditional voters of
I would venture a yes. Because despite being a party that still functions at the will of the grassroots, it will be the leadership that defines and articulates what an Islamic state is to be.
To quote Shanon Shah:
What will the party's position be on apostasy? On the religious conversion of minors? On homosexuality and bisexuality? On moral policing? On disconcerting-concert-banning? On the rights of other religious communities? On turning personal sins for Muslims — not going to the mosque on Fridays or not fasting during Ramadan, for example — into crimes against the state? On the status of deviant sects? On marital rape? On polygamy in Islam?”
Answers that I have been seeking too but nobody seems to be able to enlighten me.
While I am certain that rehabilitation by the National Fatwa Council is not via exile to the frozen plains of Siberia, the obvious question here would be rehabilitation by whose Islam?
Far be it for me to say whether SIS’s “views caused confusion and were a threat to Muslims' faith” yet SIS’s efforts in championing Muslim women’s rights and access to the legal system is very noteworthy, it being an unpopular and lonely road.
There is good chance that this resolution would further alienate the modern Muslim woman who is comfortable and confident enough in her religion to not let anyone be it SIS or
I have yet to read the responses of my compatriots in SIS who fall squarely within "the younger generation and those who have a secular education". I am anticipating a hailstorm.
I have yet to meet a SIS member who is not educated, articulate, fiercely intelligent and not capable of giving you whiplash should you even suggest that peranan SIS bertentangan dengan syariat Islam.
Being a non-muslim and only a Friend to the Sisters in Islam, I very obviously lack locus standi on the matter of the authenticity of faith. Yet I strongly believe that the right to hold a differing opinion is enshrined in the constitution. But then I can anticipate the not unfamiliar, "Kafir, keep out," retorts to that.
Surely we have had enough of those to last us a lifetime?
Monday, May 25, 2009
What if I came back as a coconut tree?
Its a new dawn, its a new day
so says Nina Simone.
So things change. No surprises there. Rolling pebble down an abyss or hurling meteor across time and space, change is the single constant of the universe.
Yet I am going to be stubornly adamant and reel at the thought of how different a year makes. Am I any the wiser? Unlikely so. Becoming more of a fool - most certainly. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Our growing up only allows us to cultivate thicker linings to stomach pain, heartbreak, injustice and disappointments that come out way. Guess we get better at accepting fate and what she throws in our laps, be it strawberries or herrings.
And it takes an epiphany/breakdown to jolt us out of apathy and self-indulgent martyrdom, toss caution back in her face, and seek happiness before we die.
It may all sound like claptrap to you but wait till you hit your threshold. (Yes I am talking from experience, dammit!)
And when realisation strikes you that you are exactly where you navigated yourself to be, that its all YOUR fault, there is a very pronounced "Oh Damn!" moment followed but a moment of empowerment in that you know that you are the master of your destiny after all. After all you got yourself in this shit in the first place. So you can get yourself out.
So I am backing out from this rut, comfortable as it has become. My half year resolutions already has a soundtrack. Changes have been set in motion. As my the Bwadah say, its all positive chi, man.
Today I lopped off 5 inches of my hair, finally.
And I am feeling good.
Monday, May 18, 2009
(Black) currant affairs
So whats your bet? Will BN & Pakatan talk or not? And how many days will it take to collapse?
Thoughts without a home
I have enough marketing books at home telling me that YES I can if I put my head into it. Hm. Time to strategise. Whose dog can I kidnap?
These past few months/weeks/days have been filled with revelations. I learnt that:
• I have a heart made of tofu and that I can burst into tears, set off by anything from a cat nursing a kitten to saying thank you to relatives who have come from across the country to see me.
• That the best-est of friends are not the ones I see everyday but the ones that do their best to share in my happiest and most neurotic times, even if I don’t get to hear from them in between
• VO5 Moisture Soak is God-send
• That I am loved beyond my capacity to imagine
• That belonging can be more desirable that striking out alone
• That having extended relatives isn’t a bad thing
• Don’t assume hair stylists knows best
• Personal happiness takes work and courage (now, to tell my management that they are tyrants)
All wishy washy feel-good babble? Maybe. But I have been so out of touch with myself that I have been a really nasty person to be around. But here is the strange thing, cats seem to like me lots now.
Today at the Vet
Who sits outside my vet’s
She peers through the glass
Won’t go in till she’s asked
But welcomes cat food and pats.
She is a mommy we know
With her own brood which don’t show
Stashed, we hope, safe and away
Yet to the vet she comes each day
To sayang a kitty abandoned not long ago.
The kitten was found on the floor
One night outside the clinic door
So Dr Yeoh’s taken him in
As it is so frail and so thin
But a mother he has no more.
This marmalade cat
Had a thing for this one
Nursed him as her own son
When she makes her trips to the vet.
I saw her today
This good hearted stray
And as she did her part
She also stole my heart
It’s a wonder I didn’t steal them away.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ah, the weekend.
Not for the inherent narcissism (although admittedly the previous Oasis-related posts was bragging rights well earned. Yet there are fewer Oasis fans here than I thought. Nobody batted an eye-lid to my real cool Official Oasis T-shirt pun. Cheh!)
Anyway. Writing for pleasure is a luxury and a wanton act of rebellion.
Having to endure hard work to still be in work is a small sacrifice at a time when not having to worry about my job is something to be envied.
So blogging, when I still have a kabillion things to do is smack in the face of good sense because guess who will need to stay up again tonight to draft daft statutory declarations? *yawn*
Nevertheless, it’s been a very busy weekend that involved oh, pretty interesting things which included a trip to Malacca, coconut shakes, nyonya food, kicking a fuss with the hotel management because they could not get my astro working and a pretty shiny rock.
Somewhat unexpected, the weekend also saw a renewed interest in faith and religious philosophy. Which is interesting on its own because I was on the path of the darkside. Or truth. Depending on which side of the coin you flip I suppose. At the end of the day we all die. Sometimes that is easy to forget.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Nevertheless the cauldron has been bubbling, mind you.
So where do I begin? Maybe from the most exciting.
On the 5th of April, I flew down to Singapore with some like minded people and actually consented to stay in a budget hotel in Geylang of all places for the pure reason that it was one km from the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Going back to Singapore was certainly NOT easy. I couldn't really afford the time and I totally busted the bank but I knew since forever that I'd do anything to watch Oasis live, and so I did.
Besides paying the small price of SDG101 per ticket, having to camp out, brave hordes of very enthusiastic fans to be right in front of the stage, sacrifice breathing fresh air and having my feet trodded on the entire night - I had the most amazing time!
here is the setlist:
Fuckin' in the Bushes
Rock'n'Roll Star
The Shock of the Lightning
Cigarettes & Alcohol
The Meaning of Soul
To Be Where There's Life
Waiting for the Rapture
The Masterplan
Slide Away
Morning Glory
Ain't Got Nothin'
The Importance of Being Idle
I'm Outta Time
Don't Look Back in Anger
Falling Down
Champagne Supernova
I Am The Walrus
I never though that I would catch them live and the reality of my being there, in its full glory and magnitude, decended only during Don't Look Back in Anger where I shamlessly wept, heh.
It was the culmination of living the moment, and being flooded with memories that their songs bring home. Silly to be so emotional but you don't know how long I have followed the band and their songs have hallmarked so many of the highest and lowest points of my life, its freaky.
Pictures soon!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Just a short note to say that I am alive and still snapping at everybody.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
And speaking of Rohingya

Go feed your mind with something worth knowing. I expect it to be a good introduction to the refuge crisis. The CM Annex is nice this time of year.
For previews:
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Bump, bump, BUMP!
As I was entering a packed lift at the office, nobody held the door open, so the the doors came crashing against me, caused me to fall down and my shriek shocked everybody.
And in a flash, this picture popped into my head. And I went "I'm okay". Not that anybody asked though.

I wanted to laugh but my arm hurt. Funny la in a tragic way.
p.s. Plaza IBM during lunch time is a bitch.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Bedtime stories
This blog does not profess to be any different.
Storytellers every one of us, we regale readers with tales that are important to us, that defines us and that assures us of our existence under the skies of our individual universe.
We publish to an audience because we matter and the subjects of our litany – they matter. We harbour the hope that somebody finds us even remotely interesting. Being forgotten is a fate worse than death. Or so I am told.
From cave drawings to sculpted monuments – we are the only species that has an intrinsic need to live a life beyond ourselves, to need to leave a legacy. Something as eternal to the human spirit as our wondrous sense of curiosity. Qualities that set the immortal cycle - where storyteller will turn to the reader who will in turn, weave stories of her own.
Some recite the story of their lives through their music and some in art. We bloggers, we seek transitory glory in the very impermanent realm of cyberspace, with our finely wrought words and pictures. And not necessarily sequenced between Google ads and Nuffnang banners.
In moments of despair I have often wondered if there is any purpose to this existence - whether I would have a story left to tell from the routine mediocrity that characterizes my days from sun up to bedtime. Mine and a million other people’s.
Yet we go on, constructing our narratives with twists and plots and surprises that mark our life’s journeys as we do our utmost to arrive at happy endings. We may not be Hemmingway, but you and I, we are still raconteurs – world class, honest and with joys, heartbreaks and other stories to tell.
Much ado about SPAM

Sliced into strips, dipped in egg batter and pan fried to perfection. Delish in a tin. Best thing out of China since Confucianism and gun powder. My dad cubes it and cooks it with star anise and chilli power.
Salty, tangy and mysterious, its meat like you have never tasted before. Would you know what it is, if not for the word Pork emblazoned on the label?
However with the growing concern on almost anything shipped out of the Mainland these days, and the obvious drop in quality - it has lost its characteristic firmness and bite only to be replaced with suspicious mushiness, the once loved Ma Ling luncheon meat has lost many a local lover.
On the rebound, I have taken to the next and super expensive best thing – Spam. The non-halal section of the supermarkets here are stacked with Spam with cheese, less salt Spam and my favourite – Spam with Tabasco. But it’s like RM14 a can. Yup, in my mom’s words – it’s like eating gold.
But sometimes its easy to go crazy. Which was what exactly what happened when I was in Isetan on Saturday. Desperately needing some comfort food, I grabbed a can of spam and paid for it with some of my other purchases. I was a bit shocked at the bill. Apparently I was charged RM19.99 for a can!
Needless to say, the cheapskate in me went back to the pork counter and looked for the price on display. There was none. The Chinese lady manning the counter gave me the look.
Yeah, she cast me THAT look. Complete with the single raised eyebrow.
She saw my can of Spam and hollered “Is 20 dollas wan tin.”
To which I retorted that it’s expensive! Has it gone up in price?
“Is from USA. You know, USA?” And she looked away to a non-existent customer to my right.
I was like, wtf? Was this sales staff is giving ME attitude? Over a can of Spam? Like she owns the England and Spain and all the butcheries in between. Do I look like I can't afford her Spam, yes, from the USA.
I was sorely tempted to return the can (through the air, over the counter and into her skull) just to spite her, but that would mean that I would have to look at her sour face some more.
So I took the high ground and left before I really launched the can at her. Muttered something about yeah, I HAVE bought it before.
Of course I made up the most brilliant come back lines on the journey home, before I fell asleep in the train.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
MPH will love me this year
Yeah, it has taken me close to 10 years!
Don't understand why it took me so freaking long!
Now if I can finally start on Anna Karenina. Heh. Even I laughed out loud at the thought
Monday, February 23, 2009
Poetry of the week.
You love the roses - so do I. I wish
The sky would rain down roses, as they rain
From off the shaken bush. Why will it not?
Then all the valley would be pink and white
And soft to tread on. They would fall as light
As feathers, smelling sweet: and it would be
Like sleeping and yet waking, all at once.

The words are George Elliots'. Roses are blogger's own.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Stream of (Un)conciousness
Little Whinging
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Time Out, please
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Commenting on Not Commenting
As a woman from Perak, I should say something about the fiasco that is the collapse of the state government. But I won't. Of course I am disappointed that BN is now back in power. Even more upset with the party hoppers but then Pakatan got themselves into this trouble anyway by courting dubious personalities.
And I am not going to comment on whether the Sultan acted ultra vires or not as after all, I always took the view that the provision of discretionary powers is not the wisest ideas and now that the rulers are acting on them, and in this case favouring one political party over the other - we are only to blame over this mess. So padan muka.
Again another point of view
Politics and religion - so fascinating, destructive and a faux paux at any polite gathering.
Hudud is a very touchy subject which has causes me at least one argument of the vicious kind. Discuss with caution. But then none is as blind as those who would not see, right? This goes both ways. So share the love but don't la so gung-ho.
Its so easy to play up our prejudices. Yet we know so little first hand. To the average man on the street, the intricacies of Hudud have predominantly been the baby of the ulamas of PAS and stalwarts of DAP, with the issue ping-ponging between parties.
And election time, the same bogeyman is resurrected to scare the non-muslims - the chopping of hands, the whipping and the rules of evidence for rape. But is this Hudud?
Anyway - one view as below:
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
A theory and an irrelevant poster

Age does not beget wisdom. Only regret masked in layers of justifications. Excuses if you will. It talks you out of things that would set you soaring, doomsaying of how you would crash and burn. (If Icarus only listened to his wizened father, he’s most probably survive his flight and we’d never hear of him. Case in point.)
In most cases - face it, its not wisdom talking. Its fear, inculcated from years of conditioning, heartbreak and failure. It’s the air-bagging of the heart from more collisions of the unsavoury sort.
Youth is no folly. And as the axiom goes, indeed wasted on the young. It’s the decrepit and the jaded that need the exuberance of the reckless.
Yet is the middle aged or rather the neo-middle aged that suffers more from the rot then our actual greying population. 25 is the new 45. And 35 is the granny on the sidewalk who reminisces of when life was much better in her good old days of Thundercats and Datsuns.
Never has a generation been so insightful and articulate, yet so unbelievably stressed.
Roti kawin, butter kaya. What’s one without the other?
Funny how you need to be a pensioner to unlearn adulthood and be a child again. One end of the age spectrum you didn’t know what mortality is, on the other and - only too conscious of it.
Does that explain why older apeks are now on the prowl for more lurve and Pfizer making indecent profits?
Hello? Do I know you, uncle? Tolong pegi main jauh jauh. (eh, who mentioned Chua Soi Lek?!)
Modern living eats up innocence too early me thinks. In my estimation it starts to disappear by the age of 6 these days. These precocious tots can already process complex problems like who is Malay and Chinese and Indian and who to sit next to in class. Better be the same pork eater, beef eater or vegetarian. Ten year old prodigies could even tell you which to wipe out first in the event a snake also saunters by.
I was not so smart during my tadika days. It was tough enough to get my head around why I can’t use the boy’s toilets. Forget about telling the difference between Telegu, Tamil, Ceylonese, Malayalee dan lain lain.
Still couldn’t figure it out, 20 odd years post-tadika.
Being the kopi susu kid, I am always the odd one out anyway yet treated somewhat with awe. In the backwaters of Jerantut Pahang, the offspring of an interracial marriage is rare and somewhat of an anomaly. Like an albino rhino or a one legged frog. But much hotter looking.
I’d move swiftly on from the brief Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah episode there, but I sense a Maggi Assam Laksa in the vacinity.