To be surrounded by so many bunnies, you bet I squealed like a little girl!
The Pets World Malaysia Expo held at Mid Valley Convention Centre was crowded with people and pets. One of the highlights was Malaysia's First National Rabbit Show.
Alongside the rabbit competition, there was a fancy dress contest for Thumper. Wabbit expressions ranged from "Woe, the Indignity!" to the bored "I don't give a fuck anymore" resignation.
Lop eared bunnies featured strongly with a couple of them reminding me of OREO, one of my earlier rabbits. Equal in temperament as well, thumping impatiently in the cages. One of them also tried to eat their contest tag. Yup, sebijik like my Oreo.
Besides bunnies, dog owners also brought their fur kids, from Schnauzers to St. Bernards. I was so fortunate to be acquainted with another Afghan. The breed is so magnificent and regal, it was just a joy looking at her.
Enjoy the slideshow!
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