After a month long hiatus, the drama queen in back. Live and in your face. Okay, that is about as much attitude I can muster.
April was a good month. Celebrated a birthday, took a holiday, got a part time job, doubled my caffine intake, wrote a travel commentary, saved my brother from starvation and still managed to find time to put on another 3 kilos.
Watch this space!
1 comment:
Be nice to Polly. She is my friend.
Good God, Polly, you beautiful person you! I am so glad to hear from you!! It's been what, 5 years?? Muak muak muak! How's you? I'm fat. But am I doing anything about it, noo...
I figure I'd look like a marshmallow on a stick if I ever did take up pole dancing.
But I am well and my last compliment was that I have my head screwed on right. What's been happening to you?
Email me!
And Perineum, Saudi Arabia seems like just the place you'd like. And not only can you smoke a Camel cheap, you can actually own one to carry you into the sunset, the dashing debournair that you are. (Hack! Hack!)
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