Saturday, January 02, 2016

Closing of 2015 and a New Hope for 2016

I don't recall when 2015 started and 2014 ended. Two very dark years. The idea of emerging out of the gloom was so incomprehensible. It is like a lifetime with a Dementor.

Yet change did happen- eventually.
I have been dragged to a good place - kicking and screaming at first.

While my parents have been the bedrock that stops me from free falling, it is The Sibling that is the crank that yanks me up with tough love and not so gentle urging in the realms of "get a fucking grip, you are not dead".

And he started me off on a path of spirituality where I have been passed from hand to hand of spiritual guides, teachers and new friends. Its like the universe sighing, "FINALLY, she listens!".

It all started with Flow in April 2015, and Life was critical in pulling me out of despair. I draw replenishment from meditation and prayer.

That I have spoken to Neil Gaiman at his book signing in NYC, finally listened to Amanda Palmer's Grammy nominated Art of Asking and attended Chris Cornell LIVE at the Sydney Opera House - all within 2 years, is proof that I omg, I must not have totally screwed up my life. It was so fucking amazing. ( I hope I don't get penalised for language)

Then there is that trip to Sydney and Melbourne which enriched the soul. The Ocean seemed to say, welcome back.

The education continues as I cross paths with people and works of art that impart lessons in one way or another.  From Davis Wong's brutal 6 harsh truths to Shaun who does not dice his words when it comes to my monogrammed baggage.

So 2016 will be a year of self love, courage and discovery. It will be a year of making things and breaking things (my inhibitions mainly), and the pursuit of happiness to make up for lost time.
From the mouths of babes - YOLO!!!!

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