Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Fair Lady

A friend of mine gave me these fantastic tickets to watch My Fair Lady - the Musical. It was wonderful. I was pleasantly surprised that K also enjoyed the show. Men are not known to be particularly enchanted by singing productions.

We didn't really dress up for the event, what with coming directly from work. But some people did, with their plunging necklines and perfumed hair. Of course some people did saunter in with their faded jeans. Of course we were smug in our office casuals, horribly glad that we didn't embarrass ourselves by coming overdressed.

Anyway, the seats were great, the cast was great, the audience was well behaved, maybe except for the inconsiderate idiot who thought that nobody would notice her wailing toddler. The songs really brought back memories of watching Audrey Hepburn shaking her fists at Rex Harrison in the pastel 1950s original adaptation.

I have one complaint though. Eliza's dress was dismal! The dress she wore for the Ascot scene was far superior to the one she wore to the Embassy Ball. It made her look so frumpy. It is just as the poster but with an added glittering piece draped across her chest which only made her look worse if you asked me. What a pity. Well we women notice these things.

But nevertheless the musical was very enjoyable!

Nice saucer

So many things to do but so little precious time. Universal grouse I am sure. I do wonder how some people juggle a career, a family and a life, with a couple pets thrown in.

Quiet times are good times. Cathartic and rejuvenating. And rare. I did a quick stock take over the weekend (which was actually a 5 minute day-dream in Popular book store). In my head I have this picture of this woman who looks dangerously like me (only thinner) leading this fantastically fulfilling and balanced life. She resonates contentment and is loved by people and inanimate objects alike. The ideal woman that would even make Oprah weep. And she sits there, in my mind, eating crumpets and having tea, living the alternate life, MY alternate life of happiness, health and goodwill to all men.

It is so easy to be good to other people but so much harder to be good to one's self. It is easier to feed to a man oatmeal than to stop binging on Lay's Salt and Vinegar. I will be the first to admit that I have very lofty ideals. That woman in my mind is proof that I inspire to great things. But then things never go as plan do they? Blame it on faithlessness, sloth, envy, pride and 30% discount on pastries. If only discipline and determination came in tablets.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lessons from another's mistake

Over the week I witnessed first hand the folly of over-promising and under-delivering.

A external PR consultant had the misfortune of promising my employers considerable media coverage at the pick of a phone call. When she was pitching herself, she didn't realise that my boss is quite a media luminary herself. Believing her sales pitch, we let her organise press while my side did the logistics at a major hotel here.

So I will leave you to imagine the horror and embarrassment when only ONE reporter turned up. And it didn't help that when the consultant blamed the low turn out on a bigger press event somewhere else, my boss actually called up the editors of our major dailies only to find that there was no big event that warranted any pull out from our press conference. Of course she made it clear to the consultant what she thought of the whole thing .

I am not even more terrified of my boss now but so in awe of her ability to bite someone's head of in as civil a manner as having tea with the Queen. (okey, maybe not the queen but say.. Margaret Thatcher). And I hope never to be caught in such a situation ever in this life or the next. I think I am traumatized.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

More ads

The perils of not having your eyes checked.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Rock, jangan tak Rock

On Friday, the office was having a full day PA system test in preparation for an inspection by the Fire Department.

And since the security fellas in charge of the PA system didn't have any other CDs on hand, the hospital reverberated -from the foundations up- from the raw strains of Scorpions and Metallica.
I never thought my workplace could be so cool. Albeit accidentally cool. Good thing there were no patients.

Enter Sandman is the best music for a boring afternoon meeting, I tell you.

Wock on, brudder!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Tenant woes

The entries into the blog has been pretty poor lately, I admit. Preachy even.
Complaining is so passe, no? But have issues with my tenant. The fact that I have to share living space is bad enough but to share with a kid, his dog and his mom?

We clearly stated that the room was for 1 and we made exceptions for the dog but his mom has been staying with him for weeks and weeks. While the increased cost is a small issue, we are pissed off because he was strictly told that the rent for was ONE and a different rate applies for two. Initially we thought that the mother would only stay for a short period but this is ridiculous.

We have a problem with water supply and with the addition of every new member into the house, it gets worse. Hence our strict restrictions about the number of people in our house.
While on one hand we want to be accommodating but now I think we are being taken advantage of. I have a good mind to kick him out.

Ads and more ads

I like ads. I go to cinemas early to watch ads.
I love the varied states of mind a 15 second of burst of creativity can induce. Currently I am hooked to
Intel's Core 2 Duo processor Multiply ads by Vaughan Arnell.
Love the music too.