Sunday, July 26, 2009

And we lose another raconteur

The passing of Yasmin Ahmad is a great loss to the nation.

As the creative force of some of Malaysia's most memorable ads and films, her honest portrayal of a multi-faceted Malaysia in its truest form, (sans the shameless gloss of Tourism Malaysia productions) has endeared her to many.

I will always recall her frustrations in trying to sell her ideas of unity and singular humility to corporate fatcats who in her words, “just don’t get it”.

And I have deep reverence for this formidable lady who has come out publically to say that its really ok for the younger generation to forget the hardship of the entire May 13 episode because its it not their legacy. Theirs is the promise of a better future and not the bogeyman of bloodshed past.

She will be very sorely missed. God bless.

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